Maintenance tips

What do you do to keep your beautiful jewelry beautiful?
In any case, it is important not to expose your jewelry to harsh chemicals, ammonia, bleach, chlorine and salt water. Take them off before cleaning, taking a shower, swimming or sleeping. Do not expose your jewelry to hairspray or perfume. Are you not wearing your jewelry (for a while)? Then store them in a closed box or in a plastic zip-lock bag.

Silver can oxidize (turn black). But how do you get this jewelry clean again? We have a range of cleaning and maintenance products from Hagerty for this jewelry. Hagerty cleaning cloths are specially treated to remove tarnish and restore the shine of your jewelry. Hagerty's immersion baths ensure super-fast cleaning of your jewelry. Use the handy sieve to immerse the jewelry in the bath and then rinse it with water. For the perfect result, we recommend using the immersion baths in combination with Hagerty cleaning cloths. Your jewelry will regain its beautiful shine and look like new again!